


For School Professionals School

glolab is an organization that supports immigrant highschool students with their career. We provide career information, career learning programs, counseling and support by experts. We have created the videos from the standpoint of “It would have been really helpful if there were a content like this.” Please introduce us to your school and your students, so that as many immigrant highschool students as possible can fly into a better future.

Programs provided by glolab

Programs for students

Career guidance

  • ・Distribution of videos for career learning in multiple languages
  • ・Planning and management of career-related events


  • ・LINE auto-check sheet
  • ・Counseling by experts on matters related to residence status, school life and career.

Programs for teachers and groups
(customizable upon request from your school/group)

  • ・Recommendation on videos that should be viewed, arrangement of career seminars, etc.
  • ・Arrangement of interpreters for parent and chile meetings, etc.
  • ・Consultations on Japanese-language education.

Programs for students

Career guidance

1. Distribution of videos for career learning in multiple languagesOnline

Online 1. Distribution of videos for career learning in multiple languages

When providing career guidance to immigrant highschool students, there is a broad range of topics that need to be considered such as career education, information gathering about selected career course and status of residence. glolab distribute videos that cover these topics in a structured way, and they are distributed in multiple languages. Please utilize the videos in case you feel you are not taking time with students in needs for such information or if you wish to provide information that cannot be covered by normal career guidance at your school. The videos are created from the viewpoint of immigrant highschool students, so your students will be able to learn what they need to know on their own.

【Examples of videos】
  • ・ Stories of immigrant youths who have gone through entrance exams and job searching
  • ・ Career information based on the stories of those with foreign roots who have had the same experiences
  • ・ Information on residence status put together under supervision of experts.

2. Planning and management of career-related eventsOnlineoffline

Onlineoffline 2. Planning and management of career-related events

We host Online career seminars and workshops regularly. In these seminars and workshops, university students and professionals with foreign roots will talk about their failures that were “difficult” and “hard”, as well as their turning points that “helped them think positively” and that “made things work”. The seminars will motivate immigrant youths to have a concrete image about their career after graduating from high school, and think about their future. Also, our Japanese language education coordinator and career consultant with an immigrant background will promote dialogue between youths with foreign roots and mentors who lived the same experiences. We will help immigrant youths make a career choice proactively with a sense of ownership, and help them develop the ability to choose a career proactively with high self-esteem.


1. LINE self-diagnosis sheetOnline

Online 11. LINE self-diagnosis sheet

When pursuing a career or moving onto the next education level, it is very important for a student with an immigrant background to know what he or she can do with his or her status of residence. By answering the questions in the self-diagnosis sheet on LINE, a immigrant youth will receive information on what the challenges are in terms of his or her status of residence. This sheet will contribute to early discovery of residence status related issues by the student.

2. Counseling by experts on matters related to residence status, school life and career.Onlineoffline

Onlineoffline 2.Counseling by experts on matters related to residence status, school life and career.

A specialized social worker will support you to solve issues unique to high school students with immigrant backgrounds. It is possible to arrange an interpreter or involve a lawyer. If you know a student in need, please introduce us.

Kaho NishioConsultant for residence status and everyday life
Served as a Chinese language interpreter / counselor at the information centers of the Osaka Regional Immigration Bureau and the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau from 1999 to 2006. More details
Chiho ShibayamaCareer counselor
Worked for an organization that supports immigrant children to enter high schools, and worked as a counselor for education of Japanese-language at a refugee supporting group, engaged in consultations about Japanese-language education. More details

Programs for teachers and groups (customizable upon request from your school/group)

We can provide individual services as below to better match the situation and needs of your school / group upon consultation.
Please contact us from the Inquiry page if you are interested.

1. Recommendation on videos that should be viewed, arrangement of carrer seminars, etc.

From the videos that glolab provides, we recommend ones that are desirable to view. Also we will arrange career seminars and workshops.

This service is recommended if

  • ・You want your students to be able to research career information for a job and a school on their own.
  • ・You want your students with immigrant backgrounds to develop horizontal connections between them so that no one will become isolated and drop out.
  • ・You want your students with immigrant backgrounds to be connected with those who have lived the same experience so that your students with foreign roots can think about their career path positively.
  • [Target] High schools and supporting groups
  • [Fees] Free (for the time being)
[Consultation means]
(1) Face-to-face: At glolab office (Shinjuku, Tokyo) or at your school / group (within the Tokyo Metropolitan Area) (2) Online: Zoom (Across Japan)

2. Interpreters for activities at school such as a parent meeting and a parent and child meeting, etc.

We will dispatch an experienced interpreter who specializes in school.
Systems that Japanese think are normal can be sometimes difficult to understand for immigrant students and their parents. glolab staff and school interpreter will provide explanations in a way that is easy to understand.

This service is recommended if

  • ・There is a student who may have an issue with his or her status of residence to get a job, but you are having a hard time finding out detailed information.
  • ・You want an experienced interpreter to assist a scheduled parent and child meeting because the parent cannot speak Japanese.
  • ・You want experienced staff to get involved to eliminate the gap between a student and his/her parents on the career path of the student.
  • [Target] High schools and supporting groups
  • [Fees] Free (for the time being)
[Consultation means]
(1) Face-to-face: At glolab office (Shinjuku, Tokyo) or at your school / group (within the Tokyo Metropolitan Area) (2) Online: Zoom (Across Japan)

3. Consultation on Japanese language education

An expert who also works as a practitioner and coordinator of Japanese language education for young people will assist teachers who give Japanese language class at their schools with their doubts and questions.
Methods and contents to teach students with foreign roots vary. There is no proven method, best method or correct answer.
That is exactly why we need to reflect on ourselves from different angles and think about solutions together for better class tomorrow.

This service is recommended if

  • ・You are a Japanese language adviser but you are not sure how to understand the children in front of you.
  • ・You are a Japanese language adviser but you’ve never given Japanese language class.
  • ・You give Japanese language class to immigrant youths everyday but you feel their response is weak.
  • [Target] High schools and supporting groups that provide Japanese language guidance to high school students with immigrant backgrounds
  • [Fees] Free (for the time being)
[Consultation means]
(1) Face-to-face: At glolab office (Shinjuku, Tokyo) or at your school / group (within the Tokyo Metropolitan Area) (2) Online: Zoom (Across Japan)
Mika Hitomi
Works as a coordinator of Japanese language education at a local government (incumbent). More details