


How to use this website How to Use

This site is for immigrant youths to find tips for the future they hope to have on their own.
Please see the steps below and their respective how-tos and use them as the tips.
We believe these tips will help you understand what your problem is and how you can solve that problem.
But if you have any concern, please consult us.

step 1 「Get information」 Get the information you need

Get the information you need

What do you want to do in the future? Do you have any idea? If you don’t, you can start from “getting information”.
That is how you start thinking about “what you want to do” and “what you can do”in the future.

glolab provides information necessary for immigrant high-school students to think about their future in You Tube videos, in a way that is easy to understand.
For example, the videos explain how to get a job, how to select a university or vocational school and how to apply for a scholarship.
Furthermore, the videos share stories those with immigrant backgrounds who have experienced the same live about entrance exams and job searching.
The videos are available in Japanese, English, Chinese, Tagalog, Portuguese and Spanish.”

Hint! How-to
  • First, see different videos and find themes that interest you.
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  • Select one theme, and watch other videos.
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  • See more themes by doing research and studying on your own.
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  • Set a time to study continuously.
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  • Sort out what you know and what you still don’t know.
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  • Sort out “What you care, what you like, what you can do and what you are having a problem with”.

Go to the video page

step 2 「Join and Connect」 Join glolab activities and meet new friends

Join glolab activities and meet new friends

Often times, it takes time to find “what you want to do” or “what you can do”.
There is also more than one answer.
If you cannot find an answer, just take actions to “broaden” your potentials.
At glolab, we are regularly hosting the events below.
These events will provide you with the opportunity to think about your future with high school students, university students and professionals with them same immigrant background in similar circumstances.

Our Event

Career seminar Career seminar
You can ask questions after hearing the explanations given by the instructor and professionals in the video. Ask as many questions as you can and find tips for “living your life”. Immigrant children can participate from every region of the country, so you will learn a lot just by listening to them. So please feel free to participate.
Online learning support room 「SSLab(SSLab)」 Online learning support room SSLab(SSLab)
If you encounter a problem studying toward “who you want to become in the future” or preparing for a job, ask questions to university students who have lived the same life before you and the Japanese-language teacher. We are also open to any questions that may arise while studying, you have the whole class to look for answers to your questions with.
Hint! How-to
Ask the instructor / mentors questions
There is more than one answer to “What can I do in the future?” Asking questions may lead to “true answer” or “new answer”.
Have courage and ask many questions.
Meet new friends
If you know “what you want to do” in the future, share that with your mentors and friends.
They will tell you what worked and what didn’t work, and you will learn from each other.

Go to Join/Ask for Advice page

step 3 「Diagnose yourself and consult」 Ask for help if you don’t understand

Ask for help if you don't understand

It is essential for you to know what is required to be qualified to get a job or go on to the next stage of education and confirm your status of residence. There are cases where you are not qualified because of your residence status.
glolab offers the services below.

Our support

LINE self-diagnosis sheet LINE self-diagnosis sheet
Using the self-diagnosis sheet we have created at glolab, you will immediately understand what your situation is. If you have no one to consult with, please use this sheet. You can also consult with our staff based on the result of the sheet. This sheet was created under the supervision of lawyers and teachers dealing with career guidance at high schools, so please feel safe to use it.
Individual consultation Individual consultation
You can consult directly with our staff about your residence status, family, carrier, school life and part-time job, on a one-on-one basis.
You can also receive support from experts such as a lawyer.
Hint! How-to
Fill in your information in the self-diagnosis sheet correctly.
When you think about your future, it is important for you to accurately know your current situation, such as your status of residence and your life. In order for us to obtain accurate diagnosis results, fill in your information correctly.
Don’t hesitate and just ask
Whenever you have a problem or question, contact glolab and consult with us without hesitation.

Go to Diagnose yourself and consult page