


Held a career workshop for students with foreign roots at Tokyo Metropolitan Rokugo Technical High School

Two young members of society and one university student with foreign roots looked back on their high school days and talked with high school students about themselves and their future. The university students also took on the role of planning the workshop and acting as a facilitator for the day.

The three speakers openly talked about what they did in high school, what they enjoyed, what they had a hard time, and what they had a hard time.

The high school students who participated commented, “I’m glad I heard from a senior with the same roots” and “I learned the importance of not giving up.”

Listen to the stories of seniors who are one step ahead, think for yourself about your career path, and learn how to open up your life. glolab plans to hold such classes at Tokyo Metropolitan High School.

All three of the speakers who participated this time came to Japan after graduating from junior high school in their home countries, so they could not enroll in junior high school. I learned Japanese and subjects and was able to go on to high school.

glolab wants to create a community where young people and high school students who have overcome such adversity can learn from each other.